Other Providers

Fully Compatible providers

CloudContainer can store your files in any fully S3-compatible storage platform. Each platform has different pricing and features, so you can select the one that works best for you.

Each storage provider should give you instructions on how to create a storage bucket as well as an access key and secret key, though they may use slightly different names. Each provider will have their own terms, but the access key might have a name like “keyID” or the secret key might have a name like “applicationKey.” It will not likely be correct to use a username and password as your access credentials for connecting CloudContainer to your storage provider.

The provider should also provide you with an endpoint URL. If the provider also gives you a region you may need to include the region in the endpoint. You do not need to include https:// in the endpoint when entering it into the CloudContainer admin console.

Partially-Compatible providers

One thing to be aware of is that some platforms aren’t fully S3-compatible, or may only support S3 operations for the purpose of migrating to that platform. Google Cloud Storage, for example, supports S3 operations for adding files, but is missing some metadata retrieval features CloudContainer uses. Google Cloud Storage can be used with CloudContainer for storing and retrieving files, but causes errors when trying to retrieve metadata and generate thumbnails. It is not recommended to try to use storage providers which are only partially compatible.